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Thursday, February 15, 2007

myth, influence, allusion, analogue

Found the link to this article The Ecstasy of Influence: a Plagiarism at The Endicott Studio for Mythic Arts. I had the old site bookmarked, but now there is a wonderful blog full of all things fairy tale, fantastic, and mythic. Since I had not visited in nearly a year, I've had so much to catch up on because the blog was begun in June and is full of great information and links to wonderful articles and illustrations. (Thanks to Jude for reconnecting me to Endicott Studios.)

Back to the article. Again, a bit of synchronicity because I've just finished The Orphan's Tales: In the Night Garden which reworks so many old myths and fairy tales into such an intriguing new creation. Analogues and allusions have enhanced literature from its beginnings, and I've long loved seeing the influence, conscious or unconscious, of ideas that are borrowed and re-created in works of literature: "...that art of quotation that Thomas Mann, himself a master of it, called “higher cribbing.”

The Ecstasy of Influence is a long article that moves into the areas of copyright, intellectual property, "UseMonopoly," "The Beauty of Second Use," "Source Hypocrisy (Disnial)." Fascinating examples are given for each area discussed, and the article documents these in a wry twist at the end.

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